Rackham is a high performance computer cluster at UPPMAX (Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science). UPPMAX is Uppsala University's resource of high-performance computers, large-scale storage and know-how of high-performance computing (HPC).
UPPMAX modules#
Command | Comment |
module avail | List available modules |
module load modulename | Load the module modulename |
module unload modulename | Load the module modulename |
module list | List all modules loaded |
module spider searchword | Search all module containing searchword |
Running jobs with the Slurm ressource manager#
Command | Comment |
interactive -A projectID | Start interactive job using 1 core for 1 hour |
interactive -A projectID -t 8:00:0 -p core -n 2 | Start interactive job using 2 cores for 8 hours |
sbatch -A projectID -t d-hh:mm:ss -n cores -p partition my_jobscript_file | Start batch job |
sbatch -A projectID -t 7-00:00:00 -p node my_jobscript_file | Running for 7 days on all 20 cores one one node |
sbatch -A projectID -t 48:00:00 -p core -n 4 my_jobscript_file | Running for 2 days on only 4 cores on a node |
scancel jobId | Cancel a single job |
scancel -i -u user | Interactively cancel all jobs for user |
Showing user, job and project info#
Command | Comment | Full documentation |
jobinfo | Show all running and waiting jobs in the queue | jobinfo |
jobinfo -u user | Show jobs for specific user | jobinfo |
jobstats -p -A projectID | generate plots for resource usage for recent jobs in a project | jobstats |
uquota | Show disk usage of projects you are a member of | |
projinfo | Show used core hours of projects you are a member of | |
finishedjobinfo | Telling you about finished jobs on Rackham | |
projmembers | List members of a project | |
projsummary projectID | Summarizes some useful information about projects | |
squeue -u user | Information about user's jobs |
/!\ Most of the commands use the cluster you are logged into as default cluster, if you wish to apply the command to another cluster you have to specify is using:
-M clusterName
/!\ Most of the commands have plenty of parameters and have an help. So don't forget to check it using:
command --help