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Rackham is a high performance computer cluster at UPPMAX (Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science). UPPMAX is Uppsala University's resource of high-performance computers, large-scale storage and know-how of high-performance computing (HPC).

UPPMAX modules#

Command Comment
module avail List available modules
module load modulename Load the module modulename
module unload modulename Load the module modulename
module list List all modules loaded
module spider searchword Search all module containing searchword

Running jobs with the Slurm ressource manager#

Command Comment
interactive -A projectID Start interactive job using 1 core for 1 hour
interactive -A projectID -t 8:00:0 -p core -n 2 Start interactive job using 2 cores for 8 hours
sbatch -A projectID -t d-hh:mm:ss -n cores -p partition my_jobscript_file Start batch job
sbatch -A projectID -t 7-00:00:00 -p node my_jobscript_file Running for 7 days on all 20 cores one one node
sbatch -A projectID -t 48:00:00 -p core -n 4 my_jobscript_file Running for 2 days on only 4 cores on a node
scancel jobId Cancel a single job
scancel -i -u user Interactively cancel all jobs for user

Showing user, job and project info#

Command Comment Full documentation
jobinfo Show all running and waiting jobs in the queue jobinfo
jobinfo -u user Show jobs for specific user jobinfo
jobstats -p -A projectID generate plots for resource usage for recent jobs in a project jobstats
uquota Show disk usage of projects you are a member of
projinfo Show used core hours of projects you are a member of
finishedjobinfo Telling you about finished jobs on Rackham
projmembers List members of a project
projsummary projectID Summarizes some useful information about projects
squeue -u user Information about user's jobs

/!\ Most of the commands use the cluster you are logged into as default cluster, if you wish to apply the command to another cluster you have to specify is using:
-M clusterName

/!\ Most of the commands have plenty of parameters and have an help. So don't forget to check it using:
command --help