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Install conda without license problems#

Here we present two solutions for installing Conda without Anaconda license problems:

  • Miniforge a light version of Conda that use conda-forge as its default package source (channel), which is free to use.
  • Micromamba a minimal version of Conda (it is actually mamba, a conda implemenation in C++) that avoid by default any channel under Anaconda license.

For an overview of the different conda distribution see here.



Conda is installed by downloading and executing an installer, but which version you need depends on your operating system.

Choose the appropriate installer from the list you can found here: or here
Then copy the link and download the installer on your computer, see example below:

# Download Miniforge installer for 64-bit Linux
curl -L -O
# Download Miniforge installer for 64-bit Linux


Now you can execute the installer:


The installer will ask you questions during the installation:

In order to continue the installation process, please review the license agreement.
Please, press ENTER to continue

Then press several times until reaching the next question.

  • Do you accept the license terms?
  • Do you accept the installation path or do you want to choose a different one?
  • Do you wish to update your shell profile to automatically initialize conda?

Restart your shell so that the settings in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile can take effect. Or run

source ~/.bashrc 

You can verify that the installation worked by running:

conda --version

You can now get rid of the installer, you don't need it anymore


Configure Channels#

Even if Miniforge only includes the conda-forge channel, which is free to use, it is always good to check the installation.

Check channels#

To verify the channels used by your installation you can type the following command:

conda config --show channels

You should see something like:

  - conda-forge


If you see other channels, this may be due to a previous Conda installation.
Check that no Anaconda Inc. licensed channel is among them.

Add extra free channels#

You can add any free channel e.g. bioconda as follow:

conda config --add channels bioconda


  • If you plan to add additional channels, be sure to avoid any licensed channels from Anaconda Inc: defaults, main, anaconda, free, r, mro, pro, archive, mro-archive, msys2.
Sharing environments safely#

For explanation why adding this extra line see here

conda config --add channels nodefaults

Is is recommended to set a strict channel priority.
It can dramatically speed up conda operations and also reduce package incompatibility problems.

conda config --set channel_priority strict

Auto activation#

By default conda will be activated to every new terminal you will open (in the base environment). To deactivate this behaviour run:

conda config --set auto_activate_base false


Micromamba is a fully statically-linked, self-contained, executable. This means that the base environment is completely empty. The configuration for micromamba is slightly different, namely all environments and cache will be created by default under the MAMBA_ROOT_PREFIX environment variable. There is also no pre-configured .condarc/.mambarc shipped with micromamba (they are however still read if present).


When using micromamba, the conda commands are replaced by micromamba!

Download and Install#

Micromamba is installed by downloading and executing an installer:

# Download Micromamba installer 
"${SHELL}" <(curl -L

The installer will ask you questions during the installation:

Micromamba binary folder? [~/.local/bin]


Init shell (bash)? [Y/n]


Configure conda-forge? [Y/n]


Prefix location? [~/micromamba]


To take the changes into account restart your shell or run:

# (or ~/.bash_profile, ~/.zshrc, ~/.xonshrc, ~/.config/fish/, ...)
source ~/.bashrc 

You can verify that the installation worked by running:

micromamba --version

Configure Channels#

Even if Micromamba only includes the conda-forge channel, which is free to use, it is always good to check the installation.

Check channels#

To verify the channels used by your installation you can type the following command:

conda config --show channels

You should see something like:

  - conda-forge


If you see other channels, this may be due to a previous Conda installation.
Check that no Anaconda Inc. licensed channel is among them.

Add extra free channels#

You can add any free channel e.g. bioconda as follow:

conda config --add channels bioconda


  • If you plan to add additional channels, be sure to avoid any licensed channels from Anaconda Inc: defaults, main, anaconda, free, r, mro, pro, archive, mro-archive, msys2.
Sharing environments safely#

For explanation why adding this extra line see here

conda config --add channels nodefaults

Is is recommended to set a strict channel priority.
It can dramatically speed up conda operations and also reduce package incompatibility problems.

conda config --set channel_priority strict