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The coordinate systems#

It exists 4 possible coordinate representations but only two are used in genomics:

  • 0-based half-open
  • 1-based fully closed

Let's dive into the coordinates systems complexity.

Coordinate system
Range Example Size of the range Array indexing
in programming
File Format
- 0-based, fully closed
- 0-base inclusive start, inclusive end
- [0,]
[start, end] [1,3] = TGC end - start + 1
- 0-based, half-open
- 0-base inclusive start, exclusive end
- [0,)
[start, end) [1,4) = TGC end - start Bash, C, C++, ksh, Go, Haskell, Java, JS, Perl, Python, PowerShell, Ruby, Rust, Scala UCSC DB, Genebank DB, BED, BAM, BCFv2, PSL, ASN, BigBed, bedGraph, GA4GH; HML 1.0
- 1-based, fully closed
- 1-base inclusive start, inclusive end
- [1,]
[start, end] [2,4] = TGC end - start + 1 AWK, COBOL, Fortran, Julia, Lua, MATLAB, R, sh, XPath/Xquery, zsh Ensembl, UCSC genome browser, Genbank file, GFF, GTF, SAM, VCF, Wiggle, GenomicRanges, BLAST, GenBank/EMBL Feature Table, HGVS /!\ when describing indel you must know if the insertion is before or after the position
- 1-based, half-open
- 1-base inclusive start, exclusive end
- [1,)
[start, end) [2,5) = TGC end - start

Interval types#

I like this visual explaining the interval types. Credits is from UCSC Genome Browser Blog