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List of mitome annotation tools#

year Tool name Publication Type Method Organism Comments
2004 DOGMA Wyman SK, Jansen RK and Boore JL (2004) Automatic annotation of organellar genomes with DOGMA. Bioinformatics 20: 3252-3255 animal mitochondrial and plant chloroplast
2007 RNAweasel Lang B.F., M-J. Laforest, and G. Burger (2007) Mitochondrial introns: a critical view. Trends Genet 23:119-25. abinitio based on RNA secondary structure profiles mitochondrial RNAs only
2007 MFannot Lang B.F., M-J. Laforest, and G. Burger (2007) Mitochondrial introns: a critical view. Trends Genet 23:119-25. pipeline abinitio + similarity annotation of mitochondrial and plastid genomes helpful with organelle genomes that contain lots of introns. Output not easy to deal with. AGAT can be used to convert the output in gff.
2010 MITOFY Alverson AJ, Wei X, Rice DW, Stern DB, Barry K and Palmer JD (2010) Insights into the evolution of mitochondrial genome size from complete sequences of Citrullus lanatus and Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae). Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 1436-1448 Plant mitochondrial
2010 MOSAS Sheffield NC, Hiatt KD, Valentine MC, Song H and Whiting MF (2010) Mitochondrial genomics in Orthoptera using MOSAS. Mitochondrial DNA 21: 87-104 insect mitochondrial genome
2011 MAKER2 Holt, C. & Yandell, M. MAKER2: an annotation pipeline and genome-database management tool for second-generation genome projects. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 491 (2011). pipeline Eukaryote, Prokaryote but alignment approach can be used for other type It uses proteins, transcripts ... Abinitio: Augustus, Fgnesh,Genemark,snap. Need to modify the code to accept specific codon table for mitochondria. Not the best choice but provide nice protein alignments useful for manual curation
2013 MitoAnnotator Iwasaki W, Fukunaga T, Isagozawa R, Yamada K, Maeda, Y, Satoh TP, Sado T, Mabuchi K, Takeshima H, Miya M and Nishida M (2013) MitoFish and MitoAnnotator: a mitochondrial genome database of fish with an accurate and automatic annotation pipeline. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30: 2531-2540 Ab initio (sensors + Neural network) Fish MitoFish is a comprehensive and standardized fish mitochondrial genome database used by MitoAnnotator
2013 MITOS Bernt M, Donath A, Jühling F, Externbrink F, Florentz C, Fritzsch G, Pütz J, Middendorf M and Stadler PF (2013) MITOS: improved de novo metazoan mitochondrial genome annotation. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 313-319   metazoan mitochondrial genome
2014 Prokka Seemann T., Prokka: rapid prokaryotic genome annotation. Bioinformatics 2014 Jul 15;30(14):2068-9. PMID:24642063 pipeline Ab initio + evidence-based for functional annotation prokaryote Do structural and functional annotation. No intron allowed!
2017 Geseq Tillich M, Lehwark P, Pellizzer T, Ulbricht-Jones ES, Fischer A, Bock R and Greiner S (2017) GeSeq – versatile and accurate annotation of organelle genomes. Nucleic Acids Research 45: W6-W11 mitochondria and chloroplast web based tool
2018 AGORA Jung J, Kim JI, Jeong Y-S and Yi, G (2018) AGORA: organellar genome annotation from the amino acid and nucleotide references. Bioinformatics 34: 2661-2663 organelle genome annotation ( mitochondrion and plastid genomes of eukaryotes ) web application
2019 MitoZ  Yang C, Meng G, Liu S and Li Y (2019). MitoZ: a toolkit for animal mitochondrial genome assembly, annotation and visualization. Nucleic Acids Research, gkz173

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